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Transformation path from a promising chemist to a successful graphic designer!

           Sumeja Papić, a chemical technology engineer and one of the participants of the Graphic design training at CEI Nahla, now works as a photo editor, and she found employment after completing her training.

Sumeja went from the winner of two “Charters of the Dean” in her generation, numerous applications for job ads related to her vocation that remained unanswered, to the decision for requalification and openness to additional training, which resulted in a successful business engagement. Her visual identity solution for the client at the training at Nahla was declared as the best and she also designed the logo of Nahla's fitness center.

At the beginning, I was a great pessimist when it came to informal education, I thought that I would not have a chance to get a job, especially considering the fact that I didn't manage to do it with my university degree. But I realized that everything depends on us, the will and desire to change our everyday life, and being ready for a new beginning, since no success comes overnight. We have to get out of our comfort zone first, give ourselves the opportunity to try something new, and if nothing else comes from that, we will be richer for a new experience, knowledge and we will aknowledge that we tried something different from what we are used to.